OTI Greentech AG (WKN (German Securities Code) A0HNE8) is forecasting revenues of at least EUR 4.5 million for fiscal year 2018, a year characterised by ongoing restructuring activities. Revenues in the KMI Joint Venture are not consolidated and are not included in the revenue forecast. An EBITDA loss of no more than EUR -300 thousand and EUR -500 thousand is forecast. The company aims to achieve higher revenues and an improved EBITDA result. Positive EBITDA results are forecast for the following years after the ongoing restructuring has been completed in 2018.
The reported provisional figures for fiscal year 2017 have been confirmed. The last fiscal year was characterised by the impact of the sale of the loss-making Visionaire Energy Group in December. Revenues totaled EUR 7.49 million. EBITDA amounted to EUR -11.29 million, of which EUR 9.34 million was due to the one-off effect of deconsolidating the Visionaire Energy Group. Without the one-off effects from this transaction, operating EBITDA totaled EUR -1.96 million. The equity ratio totaled 21.9% at the end of 2017.
The 2017 annual report is available in the investor relations section of the www.oti.ag website.